  • If a character has immunity to a school of magic (Illusion), can that character still benefit from that type of magic (ghostly visage from an item for example)? Blacknight 07:55, 14 September 2006 (PDT)

Increase and Immunity[]

Will a Damage Increase effect (like Divine Might/Wrath) do more damage if the target an appropriate Damage Immunity (Decrease) effect? 21:58, May 25, 2012 (UTC)

Nope, a non-physical damage increase effect will always ignore damage immunity and vulnerability. WhiZard 03:50, May 26, 2012 (UTC)


Does Immunity round up or down? Say you've got 10% immunity and take 17 points, do you see 2 points absorbed or 1 point absorbed? Or hows about 5% immunity and 9 points taken? I'm assuming that whether the immunity can absorb at least one whole point without relying on rounding makes no difference but I could be wrong.... 08:26, July 26, 2012 (UTC)

Immunity rounds down for the amount which it absorbs, but (if present) it will always absorb at least one damage of its damage type. For example, a creature with 50% immunity will, for a 1 damage blow, absorb the entire damage, but for a 3 damage blow only 1 damage will be absorbed and the creature will take 2 damage. For your examples, 10% on 17 and 5% on 9 both absorb one point. WhiZard (talk) 10:46, July 26, 2012 (UTC)