Dragon shape

Type of feat: general (available every three level-ups) (epic)
Prerequisite: 21st level, wisdom 30+, either wild shape 6x/day or greater wildshape IV

Specifics: The character may use wild shape to change into a dragon. The transformation has a duration of 1 hour per class level.

Use: selected. After selecting, the character must choose what type of dragon they will appear as.

Dragon forms

str dex con HP AC attack
damage breath
ancient red 48 36 32 +100 41 (10 base +20 dodge bonus
+13 dex modifier -2 huge size)
+23 claw attack (+19 str modifier
+6 enhancement bonus -2 huge size),
+17 bite attack (+19 str modifier -2 huge size)
claw/claw/bite 2d8+25/2d8+25/2d8+19 fire breath DI fire 100%
DV cold 50%
ancient blue 48 36 32 +100 41 (10 base +20 dodge bonus
+13 dex modifier -2 huge size)
+23 claw attack (+19 str modifier
+6 enhancement bonus -2 huge size),
+17 bite attack (+19 str modifier -2 huge size)
claw/claw/bite 2d8+25/2d8+25/2d8+19 lightning breath DI electricity 100%
ancient green 48 36 32 +100 41 (10 base +20 dodge bonus
+13 dex modifier -2 huge size)
+23 claw attack (+19 str modifier
+6 enhancement bonus -2 huge size),
+17 bite attack (+19 str modifier -2 huge size)
claw/claw/bite 2d8+25/2d8+25/2d8+19 gas breath DI acid 100%
  • For all dragon forms, only armor, helmet & shield merge (unlike for wyrmlings).
  • The dragon's huge size applies a penalty of -2 to AB and AC.
  • Dragons fight unarmed with +6 enhancement claws and bite without enhancement. The +6 damage reduction, however, secures penetration of +6 damage reduction with any of these items.
  • AB in the form is calculated by base attack + strength modifier + 6 (for claws) -2 (for huge size).
  • All properties except for regeneration do not stack. Only the highest AC bonus from armor (armor, shield, helmet) will merge.
  • Breath attacks for dragons without at least 10 levels of shifter suffer a -4 penalty on both DC and damage dice (e.g. -4d10 damage for red dragon).


  • Requires Hordes of the Underdark.
  • This feat can only be acquired when advancing in druid or shifter levels.
  • Despite the description the duration is permanent.
  • This is the only epic shape feat that is available to druids without shifter levels.
  • This form of shapeshifting cannot be dispelled.
  • Unlike normal dragon monsters, a character will not gain a fear-aura when shapeshifted to a dragon.
  • Due to the high wisdom requirement of this feat, a single monk level — with its associated wisdom-based monk AC bonus — can greatly benefit a character with dragon shape. Furthermore, the monk level provides the monk's unarmed attack progression, stunning fist (with a decent DC), and discipline and tumble as class skills. Moreover, a character can equip a shield before assuming dragon form, which will cause the shield's properties to be merged but will not — while shifted — disable those monk bonuses that are normally disabled when a shield is equipped.
  • A common way to quickly meet the wisdom requirement of this feat is taking levels of champion of Torm after level 20; this class gets a bonus feat every two levels (up to class level 10), and great wisdom is one of the choices (for epic characters).

Previous versions

  • Prior to version 1.69, this feat only required wild shape 5x/day, not 6x/day as stated in the in-game description.
  • When the Hordes of the Underdark was originally released, this creature had only meager damage reduction (5/+1), and its claws only did 2d6 damage, lacking the +6 enhancement.

Custom content notes

  • A custom class must have this feat in their feat list, or that class will not be able to select it as a general feat.
  • script: X2_S2_GWildShp
  • breath attack script: X2_S2_EDragBrth.nss